Becoming a great marketer doesn’t happen overnight. This is what Anthony Sarandrea, one of the world’s top lead generators, talks about on the podcast today. Anthony has been featured as one of the “Entrepreneurs that are changing the world” and is also consistently part of the top “under 30 years old” entrepreneurs. He runs a [...]

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Becoming a great marketer doesn’t happen overnight. This is what Anthony Sarandrea, one of the world’s top lead generators, talks about on the podcast today.

Anthony has been featured as one of the “Entrepreneurs that are changing the world” and is also consistently part of the top “under 30 years old” entrepreneurs. He runs a team that handles over a million customers and specializes in driving thousands of inbound phone calls daily. He also runs a profitable portfolio of websites that receive 10million+ SEO uniques per month. SITEFLOOD, his award winning agency, helps businesses grow through analytics, paid search (PPS), SEO and social media.

3 Key Points

The best marketers are those that aggressively understand their customers.Spending time to reflect on your life is probably the most fundamental thing to do. A happy person who is on fire all they long – they practice it. It’s the same for your business. Think through about what’s happening and reflect on it.Your best clients are the clients you have today. How do you over service the hell out of that person so that they can grow with you, you can sell them other services that add value, and how they can refer you.

Cliff Notes

The best marketers are those that aggressively understand their customers.

I’m looking out for new markets for us to get into, new products and services, and levers we can pull in the business. It’s a consistent analysis and reflection on what we’re doing.

It’s my job to consistently pull back, focus and doubling down on what’s working today.

Most people spend more time designing their next vacation than designing their life.

Spending time to reflect on your life is probably the most fundamental thing to do. A happy person who is on fire all they long – they practice it. It’s the same for your business. Think through about what’s happening and reflect on it.

We stack cash and it’s just sitting there. If you have any amount of money in your bank account think about how you can reinvest it in your business. Where else can you be putting that money to work?

Play with other people’s money. My journey started as a hire-for-service based relationship. Start out with getting paid to do things for other people.

Being a millionaire definitely can happen, you see it everyday. It’s what it takes to get there is the missing piece. I think that people are missing that today.

Your best clients are the clients you have today. How do you over service the hell out of that person so that they can grow with you, you can sell them other services that add value, and how they can refer you.

You have speed of innovation and speed of movement that a big company that has employees, connections, money, resources. You have speed. Being aware that you have this is a massive advantage in a fast changing world today. You’re able to adjust and malleable easily.

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The post How To Dominate Traffic Arbitrage – Anthony Sarandrea appeared first on Viral by Design.