Jayson Waller lived in a trailer park, dropped out from high school, became a teenage dad and didn’t attend college. With hard work, passion, sacrifice and being a student of his failures, he slowly proved himself and became a successful CEO of a billion dollar company in the solar industry. His company, Power Home, is [...]

The post From Trailer Park to Billion Dollar CEO – Jayson Waller appeared first on Viral by Design.

Jayson Waller lived in a trailer park, dropped out from high school, became a teenage dad and didn’t attend college. With hard work, passion, sacrifice and being a student of his failures, he slowly proved himself and became a successful CEO of a billion dollar company in the solar industry. His company, Power Home, is now an Inc. 500 company with over 17,000 employees.

Find out the interesting story of how Jayson rose up from nothing and built everything from scratch in this episode of the Viral by Design podcast.

Things Mentioned

Power Home Website

3 Key Points

If you set small goals and feel small wins, you start building confidence and strength again. Empower your team to feel like owners. Make them be a part of something, not an employee. Take a chance because the worst thing you can do is not do something and regret it. Trying and failing is okay.

Cliff Notes

I had all these stigmas in my way that I had to get tough and find a way to get back, be different, prove that I am worth more, and that I can do big things. That gave me drive and hunger to be successful.

You have to start one step at a time. You have to start with small wins. Think “what can I change right now? How do I set a 30-day or 60-day goal to see a difference?” If you set small goals and feel small wins, you start building confidence and strength again. 

If you set long, big goals that are unattainable in the next 2-6 months, you’re going to get discouraged. You’re going to feel like a failure. You might quit. 

I’m not against those who are given everything but I’m a lot tougher than they are because I’ve had to build everything. I know what it’s like to not have anything. I’ve got to taste every little win on the way up and it becomes more addicting. 

I treat every day like a playoff game. If we break a record today, great. You can’t stay in that moment because once you do, all that momentum goes backwards. Some people settle and I don’t want to settle.

I always remember the term AGB which means Always Getting Better. I think about how we can become better in every aspect. You always have to work on things and push yourself. Once you settle, that’s it – you’ve hit your peak.

We finished 2020 with 17,000 employees and $370 million in sales. We’ll do $750 million in sales in 2021. The company is worth about a billion dollars, give or take. We are really building a movement but it started with nothing and then became something.

Empower your team to feel like owners. Make them be a part of something, not an employee. My goal and legacy to Power Home is not me making $50 or $500 million dollars. I want to change the lives of people in Power Home, not just customers but employees.

I allow my employees to run their part of their business on their own. Now that we’re all rowing for the same thing, it’s not just a job to most of them but a career and lifestyle. We’re in the same mindset, we’re growing, and the culture is great.

Find your passion and why, set initiatives of short and mid-term goals, build your brand, trust people to grow. To scale and grow a business you need to create process, master it, and teach others to do it so you can scale. 

Growing people from within where people start from the bottom and move up retains the culture and trains people to become better at what they do. You have to put them in the position to succeed and give them the ability to succeed by giving them resources.

Use 2021 to do what you want. Take a chance because the worst thing you can do is not do something and regret it. Trying and failing is okay.

Follow Jayson

True Underdog Podcast

Jayson Waller Website

Jayson Waller Instagram

Jayson Waller Facebook

READ THIS BOOK: https://www.readthisifyouwanttogoviral.com

The post From Trailer Park to Billion Dollar CEO – Jayson Waller appeared first on Viral by Design.