Do you eat, breathe and drink your craft? How long have you been working toward your goals?

On this episode of the VIP Ignite podcast, your host Deneen White is excited to introduce you to Nicole Julian. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, Nicole has always had a passion for performing. She got started at age 11 taking acting classes through Macker Entertainment in Burbank, CA where she stayed to learn her craft for 5 years. Nicole then went on to continue acting in her high school theatre troop. After graduating she moved on to briefly attend AMDA American Musical & Dramatic Academy studying for a BFA in acting. She learned stage combat, accents and dialects and solidified her foundation for her acting style and technique. Nicole has skills in screenwriting, production design and production assistance to add to her resume and looks forward to adding more.

Whether you are just getting started in your career, you are moving along in your career or you're stalled, listen to this podcast to get yourself energized to move forward. If you want to know how to work with VIP Ignite, please check out our website at to learn more about our company and to get registered for our next online open call!