Hooray! We've made it to 50! And no better guest to share this occasion with than Joyce Raskin! Badass musician, author, artist and podcaster with exceptional taste in music. Joyce has written a beautiful and heartfelt memoir of her life and, in particular, her experience in the 90's band, Scarce. If you don't know that story, do yourself the favor and purchase a copy for yourself here:

Also, Joyce has a new band, Nightspell, that will be debuting at Dusk in Providence August 14th. You can here 2 of their songs in this show:

Listen to Joyce's podcast, Red Jumpsuit, here: https://www.redjumpsuitpodcast.com/

if you want to learn more about us, visit www.psychicstatic.net

theme song written and performed by Jeff Robbins of 123 Astronaut