Have you ever sensed a faint murmur in your heart, an inner nudge guiding you towards something greater? Our latest episode unveils the astonishing reality that this voice may very well be the divine reaching out to us. As my friend Stephen recounts his transformative encounter with Jesus, you'll be drawn into a story of a man who traded his wanderlust for a profound connection with the Creator. Listen in and discover how to engage in a heart-to-heart conversation with God, turning the subtle into the significant, and the whispers of the Holy Spirit into life-changing actions.

This conversation isn't just about the moments of quiet revelation—it's about recognizing the 'Vox interna,' the inner voice of love that Henry Nowan speaks of, in our everyday emotions and experiences. From the thoughts that randomly pop into our head about others to the deep emotions we feel, we navigate the channels through which God may be speaking to us. We'll even touch on the enigmatic realm of dreams and their spiritual significance. This episode promises to guide you through the gentle prompts and internal signals, helping you tune your heart to the divine frequency amid life's cacophony.

Embarking on this intimate journey, we'll share practices that help us listen and respond to those soft echoes of guidance. Picture an elephant on a unicycle—it sounds whimsical, but such is the power of imagination, a gift from God to visualize His whispers in our prayers. Through a guided meditative exercise and insights into how our desires can lead us to our destiny when they align with biblical truths, we invite you to cultivate a deeper relationship with Jesus. It's about more than just hearing; it's about understanding and stepping into the joy of a personal, conversational relationship with the source of love Himself. Join us as we commit to this profound exploration of divine dialogue. This sermon was recorded at a Sunday morning gathering at Church of the Lookout in Longmont, Colorado.

Speaker — Luke Humbrecht

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