This sermon was recorded at a Sunday morning gathering at Church of the Lookout in Longmont, Colorado.

Speaker — Amy Joyner

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In her sermon, "Beholding the Coming King," Amy Joyner illustrates the significance of living with purpose and recognizing the character of our divine Father. She encourages her congregation to see themselves as virtuous and accept the transformation that stems from understanding God's nature. By sharing a personal anecdote related to parenting, she stressed the need for fostering a compassionate, welcoming atmosphere within our homes, reflecting God's nature. Amy then referred to the Biblical book of Micah, where God sternly admonishes His people. This critique, according to her, is for the believers, stressing the necessity to refocus on Jesus. She appealed to her congregation to forsake apprehension and self-commiseration, embracing instead trust in God's plan and His promises. Based on her personal journey of balancing multiple priorities, she impresses upon her listeners that surrendering to God's will opens avenues for His simultaneous work in our lives. Joyner went on to underscore the need for patience and trust in God's perfect timing by recalling the instance when the Israelites went astray, preferring a physical king and overlooking God's promises. She maintained that surrendering to God begins with forgiveness, urging believers to pray for the capability to absolve those who hurt them. Amy Joyner concluded her sermon by reiterating that God, in His nature, is loving and forgiving, and that surrendering to His will leads to a transformative journey aligning us with the image of Christ. This sermon, therefore, revolves around the ideas of surrender, trust in God's promises, forgiveness, and understanding God's nature. Trust in His perfect timing, surrendering our desires, and seeking God's presence in our lives were some of the key takeaways. The crux of the sermon is that God is a promise-keeper who stands ready to rejuvenate and transform those who submit to His will.

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