Sir William Ramsay was skeptical of the historical accuracy of Acts. He was also a historian, archaeologist, expert in Greek classical literature, and New Testament. He was a scholar of the highest rank. After spending his lifetime investigating Luke's historical accuracy, he came to a different point of view. Truly, a fascinating story.


Polytarch Stone in the British Museum

Iconium Monument

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Церква Христова на Виноградарі
Київ, вул. Сергія Данченка, 22.

Сергій Саєнко, служитель (050) 591-9534.
Дмитро Тимошенко,  служитель  для молоді (066) 044-1186

Адрес церкви:  Киев,
ул. Сергея Данченко, 22.
Адрес электронной почты  [email protected]   

Our address is Serhiia Danchenka 22,  Kyiv, Ukraine

Email: [email protected]
Sergey Sayenko, Minister  (050) 591-9534.
Dmitry Timoshenko, Youth Minister   (066) 044-1186
English speakers, contact Marina Noyes  (050) 312-3010

Церковь на Виноградаре