We're back!

Thank you so much for your questions again. We love hearing what you folks would like to know. This week we're looking into effective pinning, implementing eco when you're alone, and what our idea of a good seminar is. 

El Jefe and the Villain return with Reap the Week.

If you would like to send us questions for us to answer, or to just join the discussion, please visit the Discord Channel at https://discord.gg/rwYHJBJXCp 




Home - chrispainesbjj.com

Gym - fightingfitstone.com

Youtube - youtube.com/c/ChrisPainesBJJ

Instagram - instagram.com/chrisvillainbjj

Patreon - patreon.com/Vilaobjj

Discord - discord.gg/rwYHJBJXCp