
"6 Stages To An Experience".

Available on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com, and Books-A-Millions.com.

If you would like more information about "6 Stages to an Experience" or to schedule an interview with C.T. Robinson please call Prime Time Marketing at 276-229-0530 or email [email protected]

Author, C. T. Robinson, stops by Vigilantes Radio's "Inside The Book" Series to chat with Dini about his journey into authorship, diving deep into his aspirations of inspiring others to read and create & the inspiration that sparked the development of "6 Stages To An Experience". To find out, set your reminders, it's happening! 04/10/2019 | @10PM CDT | Call in at 701-801-9813| You can also hop in the mix by visiting www.onlyonemediagroup.com/ and slapping that "Go Live" button | Please follow our show at www.spreaker.com/onlyonemediagroup & remember sharing is caring! Thanks for your continuous support!

This episodes music is brought you by Tao - "Same Page".

If you'd like to book your own interview with Dini, email us [email protected]

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