We did it. After 61 episodes, the Viewport team finally unanimously agrees on something.

News articles we discuss in this episode:

Marvel's Avengers Hasn't Recouped Its Development Costs Yet: https://www.ign.com/articles/marvels-avengers-hasnt-recouped-its-development-costs-yet


Major Super Smash Bros Melee Online Tournament Shut Down by Nintendo C&D: https://twitter.com/TheBigHouseSSB/status/1329521081577857036

New The World Ends with You game announced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thvqIawz5lc

IOI James Bond: https://twitter.com/IOInteractive/status/1329420059048091650

PS5's Activities System Makes Playing Open World Games Brutally Efficient: https://www.vice.com/en/article/93wb8d/ps5s-activities-system-makes-playing-open-world-games-brutally-efficient

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