I talk about trying to find headlights for my old tractor and how it's impossible to find them locally (at the right price or size).   Also, the "Help Mike take podcasting more seriously improvement program".

I talk about trying to find headlights for my old tractor and how it’s impossible to find them locally (at the right price or size).

The ham radio stuff I talked about was the SMASH (Sunday Morning Amateur Social Hour) on 3935khz every Sunday at 9am.  (Local to Michigan / Ontario area)

and the IOOK (International Order of Krazies) net on 7185khz at 10:30am (eastern).

I also talk about Podcast Help Desk going 2 times a week (Wednesday and Saturday) and is now a companion show to Podcast Insider. (by Blubrry). It’s my “Help Mike take podcasting more seriously improvement program”.

I’ve been podcasting nearly 16 years and never really took it past a hobby.

This show (although not “scheduled”) is going to be every Sunday if I can (and do have something to say that week).

Not sure what I’m going to do about the weather brief shows.   Something to ponder.

