MercurioBlue’s Stats 1,112 Twitch Followers 780 Twitter Followers 91 Average Viewers Join us this week on the VIDEOPODCAST!! Hear the [...]


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MercurioBlue’s Stats

1,112 Twitch Followers
780 Twitter Followers
91 Average Viewers

Join us this week on the VIDEOPODCAST!! Hear the story of humbling Card Game Streamer MercurioBlue from TeamRankstar! Whether it’s Magic: The Gathering or Eternal, this Twitch streamer delights his audience with strategy, and a humbling approach to content creation. Pick up some tips, and work on developing your own strategy from what we’ve learned during this interview!

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We appreciate you joining us today! If you could, please tell us your name and what most people might recognize you for.
We appreciate you joining us today! If you could, please tell us your name and what most people might recognize you for.
When and how did you first start playing video games?
What inspired you to start creating content on Twitch?
How did your online content creation begin?
Do you feel like you’ve picked the proper platform to create content on?
Are you ever wanting your stream to replace the traditional job?
What are some things that you feel could make your stream and content better?
How long have you been playing gwent and what keeps you playing?
What can you tell me about that journey and how you’ve retained/keep your audience interested?
How did you get involved in team rankstar?
What benefits do you feel being on the team brings?
If you could pick any other game besides Magic The Gathering or Eternal to be your main game, what would it be?
Why The Red Fox on your intro scene?
How does your game or its audience impact what you do?
Has there been another content creator that you’ve looked up to, or has helped you get to where you’re at?
What about yourself do you think is the trait that helps you become most successful in this field?
Would you ever switch platforms if presented the opportunity?
What’s your opinion on the current state streaming as profession?
What advice can you give someone trying to become a trading card game streamer?
Where do you go to learn more about what you do?
What is your favorite accomplishment doing what you do?
Over the years there are bound to be things that don’t go the way you had hoped. If you don’t mind sharing, what has been your biggest or most memorable failure or learning experience in your path as an online personality?
It doesn’t have to be your but what’s your favorite peripheral?

The post MercurioBlue on Remaining Resilient, Genuine, and Passionate in Your Directory appeared first on OPSEAT.

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