Earlmeister’s Stats 967 Twitter followers 3.2k followers on Twitch 59 average viewers Today we are joined by Earlmeister, twitch partner [...]


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Earlmeister’s Stats

967 Twitter followers

3.2k followers on Twitch

59 average viewers

Today we are joined by Earlmeister, twitch partner and stream team manager for the North American esports organization Simplicity. Earlmeister spent months researching how to use his time effectively, and incorporate his love for mythological lore on his journey to Twitch partnership before he even began. While learning to use strategies within his favorite collectible card games as an extension of his creativity, he has built an amazing community and path for success. Join us as we learn what it takes to avoid complacency, and to remain relevant on a saturated platform.

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Video Questions

Tell us who you are and a little about yourself. ( Tag, name, age, where you’re from, something unique about you)

When and how did you start gaming?

What types of games do you typically play, and why?

How did you first get involved with Twitch? What made you choose Twitch over other platforms such as Youtube or mixer?

Does your audience ever dictate the direction that you should take your stream, and if so how much of your current content is a result of your audiences feedback? Do you have any examples?

We’ve seen you play a lot of card games on your channel, is there a specific reason that you like streaming these types of games on your channel? Is it the technical aspect of deck building perhaps?

Out of all of the card games that you’ve played, what would you say your favorite has been, and why?

CCG (collectible card) games seem to be getting a lot of attention in the forms of new games in the genre lately. What do you think makes them enjoyable?

If someone from your community wanted to start streaming on Twitch as a CCG streamer like you,, are there any tips that you would recommend that could help them out when starting their channel? Maybe some common errors that they should watch out for?

There are a lot of other CCG content creators around. Are there any “common errors” that you see others making that they should be aware of, when trying to become known within the community?

Perhaps someone from your community wanted to start streaming in general, as a variety streamer or even a whole other category. Would you have any tips/tricks for them?

As mentioned, you’re the stream team manager for the one and only Simplicity. Are you able to tell us more about what it is like to manage a team of streamers on a day to day basis?

What benefit do you believe your stream team brings? Is there a place for streamers to apply?

Tell us more about your journey through becoming a content creator. Did you ever think that you would be able to beat the odds and gain as much success as you did?

During your journey of becoming a content creator, what would you say your most memorable moment has been?

What would you say your biggest accomplishment as a twitch streamer has been so far?

Are there any “big plans” in the works that you would that either us, or anyone from your community should keep eye out for?

Were there any hurdles that you experienced when growing your channel that you did not expect? How did you overcome them?

We had the pleasure of meeting you at Twitchcon 2018, how was the event from a content creators perspective?

What was your main goal at Twitchcon? Was it to perhaps get the opportunity to meet some of your community, or try and make connections with other great companies?

Besides your OPSEAT, what would you say your favorite peripheral is that you use on a day to day basis with your channel?

The post Avoid complacency and remain relevant with Earlmeister appeared first on OPSEAT.

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