Hi! My name is Terry J. Aman and this installment marks my 83rd episode of VideoFuzzy, reporting the progress I've made in cataloging more than 3,000 VHS transfers and digital recordings. For this installment, titled "Make It a Word and a Blow," I serendipitously discovered a recording of a community theater production of Shakespeare's "Romeo & Juliet" I was in around 2005, just as I was prepping for the Capitol Shakespeare production of "The Merry Wives of Windsor."

I also trace Cross Connections for that community theater production for my "Studio Murphy Under" challenge, as well as a couple episodes of "Six Feet Under" and "Arrested Development," and in Fond Reflection, I mark the passing of Gregory Itzen, whose work represented a solid presence throughout my media collection.

In my Classic Collection (VHS-to-DVD), comments on pilots that turned up including "Kitchen Confidential," "Flashforward," "Bones," "The Good Wife," "Eastwick" and "Community," season premieres of "Castle," "Medium," "Dollhouse," "Heroes," "The Big Bang Theory" and "Grey's Anatomy," and the fourth season finale of "Nip/Tuck." Also, I caught Forest Whitaker's appearance in "The Actors Studio," very nice.

In my Current Collection (direct-to-DVD), I archived several movies including some groundbreaking visuals in "Footlight Parade," some of Busby Berkeley's earliest work, and Twiggy in "The Boy Friend." Brief comments on "The Ipcress File" and the return of "Only Murders in the Building." Finally, I archived some of the public testimony before the House Select Committee on Jan. 6.

In What I've Been Watching, Ralph and I watched "Bob's Burgers: The Movie" and I made a point of acquainting myself with the names of show creators Loren Bouchard and Jim Dauterive.

Finally, our director Erin Weichel shared some thoughts about her adaptation of William Shakespeare's "The Merry Wives of Windsor" for Capitol Shakespeare, now in its 15th year, wherein I make my Bismarck stage debut as nutty French doctor Dr. Caius. The show goes up July 20-24 at 7 p.m. near the North Dakota Heritage Center. Come out 15 minutes early -- the Young Bards present a reduced version of "Twelfth Night." Admission is free; a freewill offering is collected. Come out and enjoy the shows! For more information, visit https://www.capitolshakespeare.org/.