Vic Lee is a London-based graphic designer-turned-artist-turned-illustrator, muralist, storyteller, typographer, book publisher and 'wizard of ink’.

In the second part of this interview Vic tells the story of how his Corona Diary illustration project went viral with the help of his LinkedIn audience, enabling him to self-publish the book and sell out his first print run.

His work can be seen on walls across the UK, and thanks to the success of his recent Corona Diary project, now on coffee tables across the world.

He draws in black and white, simplifying the noise we all experience, and injecting his own sense of humour and personality into each piece.

In February 2020 Vic started documenting the Coronavirus outbreak by drawing his experiences – as a way to deal with his own feelings about the situation. Somewhere along the line this turned into The Corona Diary project which has become the must-have book of the period.

Vic started posting videos about the project on social media, which helped him reach more and more people until he finally pressed stop and self-published the book, signing, packaging and posting each one.

He’s recently donated £5000 of his own money to the charity FareShare UK as a way of saying thank you to all his readers.

This interview is split into 2 parts.

In part 2 you'll discover:

Why you should follow the 3 second rule in videoWhy time-lapse video is key for artistsWhy Vic ditched video titles to increase engagementHow to stimulate the senses to get people hookedHow you can be creative with the equipment you haveHow showing your personality on videos connects with peopleHow to have an immediate impact on social mediaHow brands should use videoWhy you should wear your heart on your sleeveHow to create a relationship through honestyHis new kids' bookWhy he’s looking for a publisher for a 2nd edition