We interrupt our Chattanooga Film Festival coverage to bring you exciting news....Tigers are not Afraid has been picked up by Shudder and will be available later this year!!  Tigers are not Afraid is an absolutely amazing movie and I have not been able to stop talking about it since I saw it at the 2018 Chattanooga Film Festival (so, I guess it technically still kinda fits with our CFF coverage), so Eric and I could not pass up the opportunity to share our excitement (even though we recorded this as soon as we found out, we are a bit delayed in actually getting it posted)!!  This is just a mini-sode to discuss the announcement...but rest assured that there will definitely be a full review episode once Tigers are not Afraid is released!

 Be sure to check back soon as we continue on with our Chattanooga Film Festival 2019 coverage!  Upcoming episodes will include reviews of all of the movies that played at CFF that we were able to see, as well as special episodes recorded during CFF - with special guests Brian Salisbury (from Junkfood Cinema), Rebekah McKendry, Rob Galluzzo, & Elric Kane (from Shock Waves), and Mallory O'Meara (author of The Lady from the Black Lagoon)!!

The Gargyle Podcast is sponsored by Central Cinema and the Knoxville Horror Film Festival!!  Submissions for the Knoxville Horror Film Festival are now open!  Submit your film at filmfreeway.com and be sure to follow KHFF on Facebook for more news and announcements!   View Central Cinema's lineup, showtimes, and purchase tickets at  centralcinema865.com


music by bensound.com