Powerful business advice on how to use ChatGPT & AI to grow your business and improve your marketing from marketing strategist and author, David Boyle, in conversation with media pioneer and Video Mojo host, Jon Leland.

David is Director at Audience Strategies, an agency that helps brands use a deep understanding of their audiences to drive growth, and he is also co-author of the PROMPT books, which are practical guides to business growth using ChatGPT.

In this interview:

- David emphasizes that AI, specifically AI like ChatGPT, is a powerful tool that can amplify one's existing abilities, especially in creative domains like writing, image creation, and potentially music and video in the future.

- He strongly advises against blindly accepting AI's output as final. Instead, AI's output should be seen as a first draft or a recommendation that needs to be fact-checked, enhanced, and owned by the user.

- David perceives AI as a useful thought partner and idea generator. This is particularly true in understanding audience needs, wants, and brainstorming innovative ways to meet those needs.

- David suggests that the usefulness of AI isn't strictly confined to specific industries. The fundamentals of understanding underlying audience needs and using AI to innovate based on those needs can be applied across industries.

- He recommends starting with ChatGPT as it's ready for mass adoption and is being constantly improved. Once the basics are mastered, he suggests exploring other models like Claude from Anthropic and other tools like Magai for more advanced/specific needs.

- He acknowledges the ethical dilemmas associated with using AI, such as bad actors misusing AI, people making misguided decisions based on AI recommendations, and potential future risks when AI can control real-world systems. He also mentions the moral dilemma of AI models benefiting from copyrighted material without attributing value to the original creators.

- David recommends using the text-based API of AI models as a starting point for understanding the capabilities and limitations of AI. From there, one can expand to other domains like images, videos, and music.

- He advises individuals to start engaging with AI by speaking into the ChatGPT app and asking it to organize and make recommendations based on their thoughts. He describes this as a simple way to get started with AI.

- David believes that AI is transformative to work and that those who choose not to use AI risk getting left behind. He emphasizes that AI users are likely to be more effective in their work and happier overall.

- Lastly, David is passionate about helping people use AI more effectively. He offers assistance to anyone struggling with AI and is even willing to provide his books for free to those who cannot afford them.

Links mentioned:

MIT study on AI

Website that combines ChatGPT & Claude

Mo Gawdat on Prof G pod
(July 13th, 2023 episode)

David's links:

Time stamps for key content:
2:50 The Dangers of AI
4:25 Importance of editing & fact-checking AI output
6:15 What's different about marketing strategy now?
8:08 How to use AI as a thought partner re audience research, sample prompt
12:46 Number 1 prompt to get started with using ChatGPT as a business coach
14:40 The pros and cons of ChatGPT, Claude, & other models and AI apps, including Magai.co
17:20 Dangers of AI: bad actors, misinformation, and an important warning
21:20 How AI amplifies creative abilities
22:30 Ethical dilemma of copyright issues
25:08 Job market, job losses, and the advantages offered

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