Today is delivery day at VK HQ! We deliver a SCARE PACKAGE! Literally. The Killers sit down with [Anthony Cousins]( and [Ryan Schaddelee](, respectively the director and the effects creator of the[ SHUDDER channel's ](,[ SCARE PACKAGE]( Their segment name is "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill", co-written by [John Karsko](



**Ryan Schaddelee - Founder of Outpost 13 Productions **
Find more fun short films at Ryan's [Youtube Page](

[Excarnate]( Not your average zombie picture! Thought provoking and brilliant imagery. Shot by Anthony, and scored by no other than Video Killer's own, Tim Holly.

[Want to see something really awesome?! ]( - Outpost 31 Productions Demo Reel (from Spring 2020)

[Pop Song]( - Made in 48 hours for the 48 Film Fest 2011. Nominated for best film and best editing! That catchy song is written by Tim!

[Half Brothers]( Made for the 48 Film Fest 2012. Nominated for best special effects! Shot by the one and only, Colette Ricci!


**Anthony Cousins - Director/Cinemagrapher**

[When Susurrus Stirs]( A man finds purpose in his meaningless life when he becomes host to an ancient creature named Susurrus. Amazing special fx by Ryan, and Tim brings the amazing score. Based on a story by [Jeremy Robert Johnson](

[The Bloody Ballad of Squirt Reynolds]( The kids at Camp Nawgonamakit are about to find out the tragic tale of Squirt Reynolds is more than just a legend. Comedy Horror. More rock-star special fx work by Ryan, and that "Tim Guy" does the music.

[Reaping Asmodeia - "Of Talons and Teeth"]( Anthony's disturbing music video for the metal band, Reaping Asmodeia! It is sick as fuck! 100% recommened! NSFA (not safe for ANYONE!)



### Mentionables from the Show!

[Telluride Film Festival](
[Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX](
["Everytime We Meet at the Dairy Queen Your Whole Fucking Head Explodes"]( - The story Anthony and Ryan's new short film is based on. [More info on the Carton Mellick III](
[The Stylist (Short Film)]( - The short that one of Tim and Colette's favorite of Fantastic Fest was made from.
[ALTER YouTube Channel]( - You can find Anthony's short films there, as well as a plethora of amazing indie horror short films from up and coming talent.
[We Summoned a Demon]( - Made by [Chris McInroy](, also the director of "One Time in the Woods" (aka "the GOO MAN segment" ) in SCARE PACKAGE. If you liked that, you will love this!
[I Am Not a Serial Killer]( - Ryan worked with Christopher Lloyd on this movie.
[Extra Ordinary]( - One of the best films of the last year.
[Come to Daddy](

Today is delivery day at VK HQ! We deliver a SCARE PACKAGE! Literally. The Killers sit down with [Anthony Cousins]( and [Ryan Schaddelee](, respectively the director and the effects creator of the[ SHUDDER channel's ](,[ SCARE PACKAGE]( Their segment name is "The Night He Came Back Again! Part IV: The Final Kill", co-written by [John Karsko](



**Ryan Schaddelee - Founder of Outpost 13 Productions **
Find more fun short films at Ryan's [Youtube Page](

[Excarnate]( Not your average zombie picture! Thought provoking and brilliant imagery. Shot by Anthony, and scored by no other than Video Killer's own, Tim Holly.

[Want to see something really awesome?! ]( - Outpost 31 Productions Demo Reel (from Spring 2020)

[Pop Song]( - Made in 48 hours for the 48 Film Fest 2011. Nominated for best film and best editing! That catchy song is written by Tim!

[Half Brothers]( Made for the 48 Film Fest 2012. Nominated for best special effects! Shot by the one and only, Colette Ricci!


**Anthony Cousins - Director/Cinemagrapher**

[When Susurrus Stirs]( A man finds purpose in his meaningless life when he becomes host to an ancient creature named Susurrus. Amazing special fx by Ryan, and Tim brings the amazing score. Based on a story by [Jeremy Robert Johnson](

[The Bloody Ballad of Squirt Reynolds]( The kids at Camp Nawgonamakit are about to find out the tragic tale of Squirt Reynolds is more than just a legend. Comedy Horror. More rock-star special fx work by Ryan, and that "Tim Guy" does the music.

[Reaping Asmodeia - "Of Talons and Teeth"]( Anthony's disturbing music video for the metal band, Reaping Asmodeia! It is sick as fuck! 100% recommened! NSFA (not safe for ANYONE!)



### Mentionables from the Show!

[Telluride Film Festival](
[Fantastic Fest in Austin, TX](
["Everytime We Meet at the Dairy Queen Your Whole Fucking Head Explodes"]( - The story Anthony and Ryan's new short film is based on. [More info on the Carton Mellick III](
[The Stylist (Short Film)]( - The short that one of Tim and Colette's favorite of Fantastic Fest was made from.
[ALTER YouTube Channel]( - You can find Anthony's short films there, as well as a plethora of amazing indie horror short films from up and coming talent.
[We Summoned a Demon]( - Made by [Chris McInroy](, also the director of "One Time in the Woods" (aka "the GOO MAN segment" ) in SCARE PACKAGE. If you liked that, you will love this!
[I Am Not a Serial Killer]( - Ryan worked with Christopher Lloyd on this movie.
[Extra Ordinary]( - One of the best films of the last year.
[Come to Daddy]( - You may never see Elijah Wood the same after...
[The Guilty]( - Amazing film that takes place all in an emergency dispatch center.


Thank you for reading and listening! You can find more information on our [Facebook page]( , [Twitter](, and [Instagram]( Please rate us, it does help support the show! If you feel so inclined, a review on your favorite podcast feed would be awesome, as well!

You can find more of Tim Holly's music and art at [Soundcloud]( and at [Tim Monsters]( Treat yourself or a loved one to a t-shirt or poster or whatever! Xmas is around the corner.

Tim can also be heard on [The Aging Hipster]( Podcast with new episodes every Sunday! He was also featured on [Is This Podcast Name Taken?]( podcast recently.

Be sure to bookmark the [Tape Freak]( blog for more information!


Twitter Mentions