We live in a society where we can get very specific descriptive pills faster than this Clue speedrun we watched on loop for this episode (At least, if you’re in America. We’ll privatize the shit out of anything!) Professor Plum will give you all the boner pills a podcast can buy! Maybe he even has… Read more S8:E7 – Clue Speedrun in 0:00.733

We live in a society where we can get very specific descriptive pills faster than this Clue speedrun we watched on loop for this episode (At least, if you’re in America. We’ll privatize the shit out of anything!) Professor Plum will give you all the boner pills a podcast can buy! Maybe he even has his own podcast to hock them off of as well! With a sponsor code and everything! Sure, it’s not Doctor Xpress joint, but the money rolls in easy enough and he hasn’t had to murder any Mr. Bodys this time around for it. It was Ms. Peacock this time around! That’s more time to sell pills with rhinos on them to gas stations! Hell yeah! Let’s get to making the 12th Delta!

John Hurst is your host this week and and he needs to stop having kickstarter worthy ideas happen in the final minutes of the episode. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he is listening to someone else’s podcast in the car with them. You are the listener and we like YOU the most.

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