It’s time for some German song and dance! Please join us as we use the ancient woodland instruments! A fake wooden fake synthesizer. A Fake bongo/cymbal thing. Fake bird calls. An especially fake backdrop! Together, with the power of lip syncing we will tell this world about how they will perish without trees. But in… Read more S8:E2 – “Die Woodys – Fichtl’s Lied” Music Video

It’s time for some German song and dance! Please join us as we use the ancient woodland instruments! A fake wooden fake synthesizer. A Fake bongo/cymbal thing. Fake bird calls. An especially fake backdrop! Together, with the power of lip syncing we will tell this world about how they will perish without trees. But in a really happy way! No, seriously, look up the English translation.

Aaron Littleton is your host this weekend and there’s no after presidency for him. John Hurst is your co-host and he’s saying words that don’t exist extra confidently today.

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