Good News, Jamiroquai ! You don’t have to pay taxes ever again! We’ll get the the hat squad to do it for you! As long as they don’t take the hat off, you’re in the clear. You want to make the hat your thing? It’s your thing, isn’t it? We don’t have to ask. We… Read more S7:E9 – Jamiroquai – Virtual Insanity Music Video

Good News, Jamiroquai ! You don’t have to pay taxes ever again! We’ll get the the hat squad to do it for you! As long as they don’t take the hat off, you’re in the clear. You want to make the hat your thing? It’s your thing, isn’t it? We don’t have to ask. We know it. Okay, well, we, as the IRS, say go for broke! You’re a winner! Just uh, don’t cause any health code violations.

John Hurst is your host this week and he is okay. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he needs to get rid of this grill.

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