The squeaky clean image of Pizza Hut in the early 80s didn’t last too long. You can only go through so many neon aerobic workout videos before it changes a person or a company. By the 90s anyone and everyone was hocking PS1 demo discs and cassette tapes and we learned it from Father Pizza… Read more S6:E4 – Pizza Hut 1981

The squeaky clean image of Pizza Hut in the early 80s didn’t last too long. You can only go through so many neon aerobic workout videos before it changes a person or a company. By the 90s anyone and everyone was hocking PS1 demo discs and cassette tapes and we learned it from Father Pizza Hut. We emulated our pizza lord and pizza savior for a taste of that personal pan freedom. The reign was short lived; soon other pizza deities would come into the space and we had no room in our heard for a vengeful, midwestern God of a pizza chain. The other guys had ticket games and Mortal Kombat II and we were hungry. Always hungry. Still, we find a red see-through cup from time to time and think about where we came from, in the dim glow of Tiffany lamps illuminating our path. You sigh. Your hometown screams. Ahhhhh.

John Hurst is your host this week and he’s trying to finish the book of Deuteronomy to get that sweet Book It! award. Aaron Littleton is your co-host this week and he’s here to award the verdict on every generation future and past by name.

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