Throw on a skimpy swimsuit, ready the beer bong, and get ready to ride the seasonal waves cause we're back with another round of "Four Seasons Of Film!"

To kick off this round, we're basking in the "vibey vibe" and raucous sun-soaked shenanigans of Harmony Korine's 2012 banger, Spring Breakers! The film is a pop-art anthem translated into a cinematic tone poem that's captured in that poetic catch-what-you-can way and laced with the kinda oh-so Korine dialogue and Americana kitsch. Don't let looks deceive you; this flick is deceptively deep, building itself up as a heightened-reality fable about temptation and the corruption of innocence and an ode to adolescent antics & inebriation (and their consquences), and we can't wait to (sprang) break it all down! So come on in, the water's F-I-N-E: fine