ON THE SPOT is an avenue where we can have an on the spot conversation about a certain topic or the main preaching in our Sunday Service videos. Here we’ll be able to discuss and process these topics more to enrich and add value to it. The Gospel Expressed is a great series to do this because we’re going to have some really meaty preachings – Spiritual gifts, God and government, unity in the church.

Processing Questions:
- How are you regarding trusting God’s sovereignty? What are some areas in your life that you are doubting God’s sovereignty? Feel free to share and discuss this with your Victory Group and pray for growth in trusting God.
- What other authorities, aside from government, in your life that you are having a hard time submitting to? Feel free to share and discuss this with your Victory Group.
- What have you learned from this discussion and how will you, or how can you be helped in putting that into practice?