Welcome to our ENC Katip Youth Service! 

WE ARE BACK! And now that we're in a new year, we're made to think that we should automatically feel more hopeful and excited for the year ahead. However, we know it's more complicated than that. Our topic today explores how and why we can still be genuinely excited, through the hope and goodness in the Word and the power of God's presence when we face the challenges of this new year.

If you'd like to be connected, go to linktr.ee/encampuskatip and click "I want to get connected", or message us on our FB page @encampuskatip. 

If you'd like to give your tithes and your offerings, go to everynation.org.ph/give. You may also go to bit.ly/ENCKatipGiving

#ENCKatip #KatipYouthService