What is revival?

Revival a rediscovery of the purpose, presence and power of God when our faith has grown cold. Revival is a turning back to God after a period of being numb, lukewarm, or unenthusiastic in our faith. Revival is when you fall back in love with Jesus, all over again - like it was the first time.

When you read the book of Acts, you may recognize that what happens during "revival" - salvations, healings, deliverance, rededication - is actually just "normal" Christian, kingdom life.


Why do we need revival?

Both coffee and churches grow cold if you simply do nothing. The church has a history of God sending revivals, great awakenings, and moves of God that "warm us up."


What brings revival?

The personal revival of a few usually precedes the corporate revival of many. In other words, God often uses a handful of people as a spark to ignite a flame in others.

John 6:35"Jesus replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."

You will eventually become full of what you hunger for. Get around some people hungry for Jesus and watch your appetite increase. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 

Your prayer life reveals what you think about God.


What is MEvival?

MEvival is revival without hunger and prayer. It's revival meetings that are all about me.