What is gossip? Gossip is sharing information about someone else's life which thoughtlessly or maliciously spreads rumors or reveals private facts. It's gossip whether it's true or not, and it's gossip whether it's intentional or not. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how to recognize and avoid the sin of gossip. 


How do I know if its gossip?

1. Is it positive and public information?

2. Would you say it to their face?

3. Would you want it said about you?

4. Did you ask the person you're telling not to share it?

You don't have to say everything you think, and you don't have to have an opinion on

everything people do.


The effects of gossiping are incredibly divisive and destructive.

1) Gossip hurts the victim. Proverbs 16:28

2) Gossip hurts the listener. Prov. 18:8 

Gossip affects your soul like cake, cookies and ice cream affect your body.

3) Gossip hurts the speaker. Prov. 13:3 

4) Gossip hurts the church. Prov. 12:18

The church exists to bring healing to the world around us, but we can't do that if we're always wounding people with our words.

5) Gossip hurts God. Ephesians 4:29-31

You can't love God and trash his children at the same time.


How to stop gossip:

1. Guard your ears. Proverbs 17:4 

Gossip stops when there is no one to listen. You promote what you permit. Walk away.

Two questions to ask a gossiper:

1) Why are you telling me this? 

2) Have you talked to them about it? 


2. Guard your mouth.

Matthew 12:36 

Your words are meant to be "working". When you are confronted with a problem, whether in your own life or someone else's, you are expected by God to use your words to work positively in the situation.


3. Guard your heart.

Psalm 7:14

Identify the root in your heart that makes you want to gossip:

Pride – knowledge makes you feel important

Offense & Anger – you want to hurt someone because you are hurt

Control – you use rumors to manipulate a situation


Gossip vs The Gospel

Gossip is bad news; the gospel is good news

Gossip lies; the gospel loves

Gossip hurts people; the gospel heals people

Gossip says "look at what they did;" the gospel says "look at what God has done."

Gossip repeats rumors; the gospel reveals truth.

Gossip tears down; the gospel builds up

Gossip focuses on someone's past; the gospel focuses on someone's future

Gossip says "listen to what they said," the gospel says "listen to what God says about them."

Gossip condemns; the gospel redeems

Gossip says "this is who I think they are;" the gospel says "this is who God says they are."

Gossip says their sin is forever; the gospel says their sin is forgiven

Gossip says "what happened isn't over;" the gospel says "it is finished."


Are you willing to allow the Lord to convict you of the sin of gossip?