Welcome to Episode 3 of Vicarious! This episode, we talk about some of the story, theme, tone, UI, and cinematic design decisions (as well as some easter eggs) in the new James Bond film Spectre. We had a blast discussing it and hope you enjoy listening!

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Bryn Jackson is @uberbryn
Joshua Sortino is @sortino
Marshall Bock is @marshallbock


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###Show Notes

0:10 - Never Say Never Again
1:22 - Spectre
4:34 - The Onion Reviews "Spectre"
5:01 - The Dark Knight Rises
5:48 - On Her Majesty's Secret Service
6:33 - Casino Royale is the first book in Ian Fleming's 007 series.
7:06 - Editor's Note: Marshall said "And Spectre," but it sounded like "Inspector," so he made an Inspector Gadget reference.
8:00 - James Bond Jr.
8:16 - Editor's Note: According to Wikipedia's Shoe phone page, "...there is no specific evidence that functional, operating shoe phones were given to actual spies."
9:18 - Editor's Note: Bryn is referencing the infinite universes of the Marvel Multiverse and Earth-1610.
9:33 - Editor's Note: Marshall is referencing JJ Abrams' Star Trek reboot and how it creates an alternate universe where old Leonard Nemoy Spock exists in the same time period as young Zachary Quinto spock.
10:46 - Dr. No
11:35 - Austin Powers
15:11 - Christoph Waltz
18:18 - Dame Judi Dench
26:41 - Editor's Note: Hitchcock used sets with moving walls on rollers to give his cameras access to locations they wouldn't normally fit.
27:24 - Antonin Scalia
29:22 - Hand-waving UI in Iron Man
29:30 - Hand-waving UI in Minority Report
34:31 - The BWAHHH sound from the Inception trailer is everywhere now.
35:13 - Spectre teaser trailer
35:48 - Ultron trailer
36:33 - Sam Mendes
37:10 - leitmotif (n.) - a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation.
37:35 - MI:II
37:45 - Editor's Note: Bryn is making a pun on the fact that Bond works for the England's top-secret sixth military intelligence section, MI6.
41:51 - Remington Steele
53:36 - Jurassic World
55:16 - Spectre (63%) and Quantum of Solace (65%) on Rotten Tomatoes
56:15 - Daniel Craig Says Writer's Strike "Fucked" 'Quantum Of Solace' & He Rewrote Scenes With Marc Forster
59:10 - Editor's Note: Odd Job + Jaws = OddJaws
59:52 - Editor's Note: To be clear, a good Daniel Craig James Bond movie.

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