On This Episode of The Beautiful Butterfly Radio Show We Welcome Special Guest Tiffany Uphurch- Rivera, Tiffany is known for her Awesome Spoken Word, But this time around she brings us her New Book " Ruined Womb: From Infertility to Inspiration".

Meet Our Guest: Mrs. Tiffany “B.Renee” Upchurch-Rivera is just like you and I. She has traveled through life with purpose and faith in her view always wondering why God created her and what role she would play on earth. Mrs. Rivera’s writing started in her youth around 12 years old raised in a single parent military household. As the youngest of three, born in Nuremberg, Germany and raised in Texas and NC, she always saw herself traveling to different cities and states. She is a Veteran of the U.S Army Reserves,, a Radio Intern at Fayetteville State University Radio Station Bronco-iradio every Mondays and Fridays from 12-2pm, a Poet for Music Entertainment Group, IAMsoul, a Poet with a Christian Poetry Group, HisPushTeam unashamedly sharing the good news of Jesus. She is also A New Self- Published Author of Her Poetry/ Inspirational Book: RUINED WOMB: From Infertility To Inspiration, a Mother of an 11 year old anointed son Elijah and two deceased angels , a Wife , A Sister, Daughter and Friend! She currently resides in Spring Lake, NC but knows that is not her final destination! To God be the Glory!