On This Episode of The Beautiful Butterfly Radio Show We Welcome " The Love Catalyst"  & Theta Healer Practictioner herself Veronie Anderson. Join us an find out Exactly where her title comes from, as well as find out the benefits of Theta Healing and How it just may Benefit you and MORE!!


Meet Our Guest: 

Veronie Anderson,MPA,  Love Catalyst, and Theta Healing Practitioner. Veronie helps women identify and release emotional blocks in order to break the patterns that cause continuous hurt in relationships. These authentic healing methods are created for wholeness of mind, body, heart and soul.  Several years ago, Veronie had the most soul crushing heartbreak from someone  she loved tremendously.  Her lover  decided to choose someone else. She felt deeply confused, angry, betrayed and everything else a woman feels and thinks after she has given her all to someone she planned to spend the rest of her life with. After deep reflection and self care, Veronie realized that She was not the only woman experiencing this.Veronie decided she wanted to break the cycle of continuous heartbreak in relationships and felt an urge  to do something about it.  

Her spirit led her to theta healing and spiritual law; which gave Veronie the most dynamic and authentic healing a woman can ever experience. This new found healing method gave me  a new sense of purpose and power. She was determined  that  every women  should  experience this nirvana  in order become whole again in mind, body, heart and soul after a break up. As a Theta Practitioner. This healing energy is activated through a meditation process that creates physical, psychological and spiritual healing with focused prayer through the creator.