On This Episode of The Beautiful Butterfly Radio Show We Welcome Special Guest Raymond Anderson Inspirational Speaker and Founder of Adversity's Hope.


Meet Our Guest: Improve your outlook on life with inspirational speaking from Adversity's Hope. Motivational speaker and life/annuity coach Ray Anderson can speak on a variety of subject matters when it comes to awareness of one's consciousness of who you are, what you believe, and why. Ray helps people move forward and set holistic personal and professional goals that will assist in the life they pursue.

Ray is a quadriplegic on life support. He was prompted to start speaking out by his own contemplation of his self-worth. After doing some research on many world views, he realized his life was worth living and fighting for. He has found a source of hope from his own adversity, and is determined to bring that positive message to a range of different audiences. Despite his physical limitations, he realized his mind and his positive message are things that can help others.