Carla R. Cannon also known as The Trailblazer is indeed one of God’s Moguls in the making. With her eloquent yet transparent approach, bubbly personality and contagious spirit, she is committed to empowering global women from the pulpit to the marketplace on how to operate authentically and un-apologetically in their divine calling with a spirit of excellence.

Carla is a mother, six times best-selling author, Breakthrough Coach/Strategist and Entrepreneur who currently resides in North Carolina with her fourteen daughter, Patience. One of the key areas Carla specializes in is teaching others how to transform their pain into power by writing a book which in turn launches their business. Carla then proceeds by coaching clients on how to use their story to build a lucrative business/enterprise which in return enables them to fire their boss!

Carla currently runs and operates Carla R. Cannon Enterprises, LLC which houses Cannon Publishing where she has and continues to assist numerous men and women on how to Write the Book Already and produce multiple revenue rivers to provide a better life for their family!