Linda Diane Wattley is a proud veteran of the United States Army.  She was born in Akron, Ohio and attended the University of Akron majoring in Psychology.  While attending the University she learned during a writing course she had the gift of writing. This gave her confidence to submit her first work of art which was poetry. The poem, “I Wish” appeared in the Poetry Gem of the American Poets Society.

For over twelve years she had her own religious/philosophical column in the Frost Illustrated Newspaper in Fort Wayne, Indiana, titled “The Best Will Show Themselves” where she shared her personal perspectives of spiritual insights and covered current social and religious events in her community.

God has awakened her to an extremely important message to share with the world. We must become more conscious of PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; Her work: “Soldier with a Backpack, Living and Dying Simultaneously”, has allowed Linda Diane Wattley to be a nominee for the ‘Best in Nonfiction’ during the African American Literary Awards Show in 2016. Her work continues as a voice for victims of every walk of life.  She is a registered member and speaker of RAINN, an organization supporting and encouraging victims of sexual assault.  She is available for interviews and speaking engagements.