On This Episode of The Beautiful Butterfly Radio Show, We are Joined By Author Clay Thomas Williams as we delve into her latest steamy book " Accidental Swinger".

Clay Thomas Williams is a native New Yorker born and raised. She relocated to North Carolina

in the summer of 2007 pursuing her career in law Enforcement.

Clay starting writing at an early age and had a love for music and poetry. As an only child living

at home for nearly ten years she learned to entertain herself with imaginary friends and

exploring her widely vivid imagination creating stories and writing songs. She has ghost written

songs while working for a record label in the early 90’s copy written and filed under ASCAP. Her

curiosity and love for words breathes life into her characters and her use of familiar places and

situations give her novels authenticity and realism. She lives by the philosophy “Every bit of

fiction has a hint of the truth”.

Her freshman novel “And then There were none” was featured in Baltimore Times Indie soul

Book Review and said to be “A real page Turner”. She has just completed her sophomore novel

Accidental Swinger and is currently working on her next steamy release.

Clay dedicates a lot of her free time to helping the youth find their creative niche through a

program called Paper 2 film and has volunteered her time and knowledge to help complete

a short film with them.

For the past few years she has tried her talents and pen in other areas of writing not just fiction,

she currently writes and copy edits for a nationwide motorcycle magazine based out of North

Caroline (IRIDE) her ability to write in different genres has earned her the nick name Miss


With all this she’s doing she still finds time to be an awesome mother