On This Episode of The Beautiful Butterfly Radio Show We Welcome Author Tamara (TammiVanessa) Brown of " The Royalty Factor: A Writers Guide to Reducing Taxes".

Tamara Feels that Knowing how to claim your royalties can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. The Royalty Factor is a guide that helps writers and published authors easily navigate their way through filing a tax return. It talks about the different ways to classify income (sales), as well as, how expenses can be used to reduce tax liability. Inside, the author describes the various IRS forms by detailing the purpose line by line. By the end of this guide, published authors and writers will understand the correct way to file a tax return

Meet Author Tamara Brown: -Certified tax preparer with over 10 yrs experience in small business 

-founder of The Insiders Book Club which is a direct advertising service

-Creator of the literary game BookNBlab 

-published urban fiction author (pen.. Tammi Venessa)