‘Tis the season to celebrate and there is no one better to celebrate than the clients and families who show us their appreciation. Take a moment to think about those clients. Odds are, you think of a handful of special clients that take care of you and your team just like you take care of them. So, who do we thank and how do we do it?

Today’s guest is Karli Carter, a hospital administrator out of Utah. She began her career in 2005 as an assistant and has worked at the same practice ever since. Throughout her career, she’s met special clients that develop into life-long relationships, but sometimes it’s hard to focus on the positive. In today’s conversation, Karli shares ways to get a team of diverse personalities and from all generations and walks of life to see the good things and celebrate the compliant clients. She has a lot of great ideas and during the holiday season, there’s no better time to show these clients how much they are appreciated.


Show Notes:

[2:27] - There are several little things that clients do to appreciate the team, like reviews, cards, and cookies.

[3:33] - Since the pandemic, the reasons clients complain have changed. We tend to dwell on the negative reviews, even if there are fewer of them.

[5:26] - We need to shift the focus from the negative and help staff to appreciate the clients who recognize what we’re doing right.

[7:55] - Clients are all different as are team members. That’s okay.

[9:29] - In training, communication needs to be a priority. 80% of the job we do is communication-based.

[11:31] - Things will change. They always do but we need reminders of that. It should never be us against the clients.

[13:10] - Role playing can be uncomfortable but the exercise is so impactful.

[14:48] - What kind of programs can we have to give these amazing clients something special?

[16:13] - Verbally thanking clients makes a difference.

[17:37] - If we say thank you, we are modeling thank you to other team members and clients. We don’t say it enough and mean it.

[20:01] - Debbie uses seasonal email signatures that catch people’s eyes.

[21:24] - Take feedback from clients and consider what is in your control and what isn’t.

[23:08] - We can’t predict what might upset another person.

[25:22] - Debbie and Carly discuss some ideas to celebrate compliant clients.

[27:04] - Kindness goes a long way.


Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.


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