In the spirit of self-care, we need to take a close look at how we manage not only our teams, but how we manage ourselves. Managers may seem invincible, but mistakes are inevitable. How do you manage the mistakes you make?

The goal of today’s episode with Chris Cesena is that you learn from your mistakes. But more importantly for you to also see how to correct a mistake and proceed forward without letting it paralyze you. In this episode Chris not only shares her tips and advice on the subject, but she and I share real mistakes made by real managers, both big and small.

Although sometimes it feels like we need to be perfect, no one expects that of you except yourself. So listen to this episode for the pick-me-up you need and give yourself some grace.


Show Notes:

[2:37] - Welcome to the show, Chris!

[3:46] - The variety of responsibilities can be a distraction and can create really high expectations.

[5:34] - Managers seem invincible because they have checks and balances but they aren’t always seen.

[6:27] - Managers check in on everyone else, but they also have to check in on themselves.

[7:32] - A lot of times, we have a hard time showing that we aren’t invincible.

[10:21] - Chris thinks the training portfolio needs to expand to include self care and personal wellness.

[11:46] - If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others.

[12:41] - Wellness is very personal and everyone’s self care is different.

[13:40] - What does your mask look like?

[15:13] - Communication styles need to be taught and understood.

[16:46] - Use “and” instead of “but”.

[17:50] - Transparency is critical especially if you’ve made a mistake.

[19:52] - When you accept the role of manager, the reality is that you will be the one in charge of a lot and not all of it is glamorous.

[21:46] - Only communicate to the people who need to know what you’re saying.

[23:34] - Debbie and Chris share big and real mistakes that have been made in this role.

[26:10] - Chris admits her biggest mistake.

[27:12] - Try to go into difficult conversations and admit mistakes with a solution.

[29:12] - Big mistakes happen, even to the best managers.

[30:20] - Don’t dwell on the fact that you’ve made a mistake and give yourself grace.


Thank you for listening. Remember you are not in this alone. Visit our website for more resources.


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