Veterans Radio welcomes Kirk Lanam, Veterans Service Dogs Organization, a non-profit organization that provides free service dogs and training. Our second segment includes Zach Harrison and Jessee Lee, with their Operation Song titled “THAT KID AGAIN”, and Chris Couture with “TATOOS and SCARS”.


The dog and the training are provided to the Veteran for FREE. There are no fees to participate in the program. The Veteran is merely responsible for the care and maintenance of the dog.

For more information on Veteran Service Dogs Organization:


Operation Song® empowers veterans, active-duty military members, and their families to tell their stories through the process of songwriting. Those served need no musical or writing skills, only a willingness to share their stories and, with the help of professional songwriters, transform them into song.

For More Information about Operation Song

Zach was attending a Warriors Heart Retreat in February of 2023 when he was offered the opportunity to share his story with Operation Song artist Jessee Lee and photographer Chris Couture. This was an awesome experience for Zach and he appreciated the opportunity to participate in the retreat.

In 2020 Veterans Radio interviewed Tom Spooner, Co-Founder of Warriors Heart. Here is that interview.