Navy Captain Royce Williams is a retired US Naval Aviator. He is known for his solo dogfight with seven Soviet pilots during the Korean War, which, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune, has been called “one of the greatest feats in aviation history” by military experts. Royce recalls the mission and the dogfight with Soviet MIGs and the need to keep things confidential so as to not draw the Soviets into the Korean War. After 70 years, he received the Navy Cross from the Secretary of the Navy for his efforts. The 97-year-old veteran talks about lessons learned.

Army Veteran Mark Aldrich is 100% VA disability rated but has continuing problems with pain in his neck and back. His VA internist suggested he try the acupuncture clinic to see if it would help. Aldrich is now an advocate for Veteran acupuncture therapy. Dr. Kishor Patel is an internist with the VA at the Ann Arbor Medical Center. He has trained in acupuncture since 2016 and now teaches other medical professionals about Battle Field Acupuncture (BFA). Dr. Patel is a certified medical acupuncturist and discusses its benefits for pain relief and healing. Its value for mental health, stress relief, anxiety, and substance abuse are discussed.