This week on Veterans Radio join host, Dale Throneberry, and his guests authors Bob Woolsey and Mark Benvenuto as we take a humorous look at their outrageous antics while attempting to serve our country. We all knew guys like these when we served. Many provided the comic relief we needed. We loved them then and we still do.


A hilarious story based on the two year military experience of Bob Woolsey at the Pentagon. After ROTC, a Fulbright Grant to Germany, and law school, Bob finally enters the Army at the height of the Vietnam War. He is a klutz who, with a little brains, makes it through Basic Infantry Training, and is lucky enough to be assigned as an Oral Briefing Officer to the General Staff. His only duty is to announce the ultra–Top Secret world news every morning, from the hush–hush “Black Book.” He takes us through his personal hell at Fort Benning to his eventual triumph as the favorite newscaster to the Chief of Army Intelligence. 


Mark Benvenuto takes a humorous irreverent  look back at his four years at The Virginia Military Institute. “The West Point of the South”

From the preface:” A word or two of caution, dear reader:

This is a compilation of stories of times at VMI, a little college in Lexington, Virginia with a big foot print. Plenty of folks have written some memoir of their college years, but this is probably very different precisely because VMI is very different from most other schools. That can be a source of great pride or eternal puzzlement, depending on you point of view, and how sober you are when discussing it”