On September 29, 2006, Michael Monsoor and three SEAL snipers watched vigilantly for enemy activity from their rooftop post in Ar Ramadi, Iraq. When a grenade thrown from insurgents bounced off Michael’s chest, he could have escaped. Instead, he threw himself onto the live grenade, shielding his fellow soldiers from the immediate explosion. Michael died thirty minutes later, having made the ultimate sacrifice.

As George Monsoor (Michael’s father) and Rose Rea show us in Defend Us in Battle, Michael had prepared for this selfless act all his life–a life that inspires us to have a similar generosity of heart.

In addition to the Medal of Honor, Michael received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star Medal, and the Purple Heart for his years serving his country. But his greatest legacy is in the hearts of those he inspired to live, and even die, for the sake of brotherly love.


US Air Force veteran Isaiah “Ike” McKinnon joined the Detroit police department in 1965 where he worked until 1984. He later rejoined the force as chief of police from 1993 to 1998.

Ike, from a large African American family, talks about his experiences in the military and the powerful lessons he learned in Vietnam.  He concludes by saying that all 18 year olds should serve in the military.