Dr. Rebecca Grant,  Frequent guest on national news programs as well as Veterans Radio, provides fact-based global military analysis.

Dr. Grant is a Military Historian/Author/Commentator and President of IRIS Independent Research. She is a regular guest on Fox Business with Charles Payne and several other news channels to inform citizens of the facts related to global military status.

Dr. Grant covers the Russia Ukraine conflict and many other areas of interest around the world – including China. 

Ted Barker, co-founder of the Korean War Project, regarding the military personnel and actions in the Korean War.

Hal and Ted Barker have been administrators of the www.koreanwar.org website since 1995. They began their quest for information in the late 70s when looking for more information about the Silver Star awarded to their father, Major Edward Lee Barker. Their personal quest quickly grew into a deeper interest, perhaps obsession, for all the military knowledge they could gather that related to the Korean War.