Matthew J. Louis is an expert in career transition for veterans and public service professionals. He coaches individuals on their transition efforts and advises employers on hiring programs designed to successfully assimilate these valuable talent pools.

He is the author of the forthcoming book Mission Transition, a practical guide for veterans in transition and their employers.

In this conversation, we had a chance to hear some of his advice from the book, through the lens of his own transition story which began in the mid 90's with business school. When I reflect on the conversations I've had with other officers about what to do outside of the military, I struggle to imagine a more successful or competitive path than that which Matthew has followed throughout his career. His perspective on transition is also a compelling approach to career management and self-promotion in general, and follows a deliberate model to walk job-seekers through the process.

I was also surprised at how closely his advice aligns with the advice I've given other officers who were working with Bradley-Morris during their transition. Having seen a sneak peek of his manuscript, I found myself nodding my head as I was walking through his process step by step.

If you're interested in learning more about his upcoming transition guide, check out this episode! If you want to learn more about where to find your copy, go to Matthew's website by clicking here.