Andy Riise is a West Point graduate transitioning to civilian life after 20 years of service. For the last 7 years he has been a part of Mission 6 Zero as the Chief Learning Officer, blending evidence-based practices from military special forces and behavioral science disciplines to help clients improve the performance of their teams under stress. He is also the co-author and senior editor of the new book, Deliberate Discomfort: How U.S. Special Operations Forces Overcome Fear and Dare to Win by Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable available February 18th, 2020.

In this conversation we dive into his process for planning his transition, and the resources he recommends for service-members who wish to match their personality, strengths, and leadership skills to the right career after serving. Andy shares his insight into what motivates him, and how he set his goals early, and based on an intentional process. He’s pursuing a fellowship during his final time in the Army as a way to make space for a variety of exciting engagements with organizations blending athletics, coaching, performance psychology, and veteran issues. We get a chance to talk about what he has lined up for himself as he begins the next chapter in his working life.