Download episode. [caption id="attachment_13583" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Intricate installation by Neural Knitworks, a structure of almost 2000 knitted, knotted and woven brain neurons!
Pictured: artist Pat Pillai installs the Neural Knitwork with assistance from PhD student Cyrus Tan.[/caption] Casey’s website is To get your knitting question on the show, just email it to [email protected]. Our lovely sponsor this week: Hello Fresh Visit and use the code VERYPINK30 to receive $30 off your first order! Neural Knitworks on Australia’s Science Week page, where you can download the pattern book. Details about the Cambridge Science Festival in the UK My Ravelry Tips videos Ravelry Project Challenge is posted on the homepage, a few stories down. Discussion on For The Love of Ravelry forum Podcast episode, This is Your Brain, This is Knitting