Stuart Roche is the Assistant Director of sports performance at Marquette University and is in his seventh season there. His primary focus is on the men's and women's lacrosse and tennis teams. Stu takes great pride in being the internship coordinator at Marquette, and his experience there has greatly influenced his latest project, My Momentum, dedicated to mentoring and guiding aspiring performance coaches.


Stu shares more about his journey with strength conditioning from the UK to his current position at Marquette University. He elaborates on the MVP process he uses to guide his athletes, how he creates a positive and thriving culture with his athletes, and how he has kept them moving forward through the pandemic and lockdowns. Stu also talks about his inspiration for setting up My Momentum and the work that he does to give back to his community by uplifting and mentoring the future generation of performance coaches. Tune in to find out more.


Key Takeaways:

[0:35] Al introduces his guest for this episode — Stuart Roche.

[2:49] What is Stu's background and how did he get into strength conditioning?

[8:40] What does Stu's day-to-day look like as the Assistant Director at Marquette University?

[12:33] How does Stu envision his weight room, what it means for the athletes he works with, and the culture he creates?

[15:08] What are some of the differences Stu has observed between the US and the UK in how coaches program and implement training strategies?

[17:57] What is Stu's MVP Process for his athletes and how does it affect them?

[20:48] This podcast is being sponsored by VertiMax.

[21:32] What impact did COVID have on Stu's athletes' training programs and how did he adapt?

[25:11] How did Stu keep his athletes moving forward when things got shut down?

[28:13] Stu shares more about how his mentorship program for newer coaches started, and what it is like today.

[34:45] What are some new features that Stu has launched recently?

[40:05] Stu shares some ideas he is working on moving forward.

[42:16] Find out more about Stu and connect with him via his website and Instagram!

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Championship Teams have an MVP process, not an MVP player. Here’s how they do it. By Brian Cain,







"The development of athletic qualities from this room should be a byproduct of the culture of the team that moves through here."


"The quietest conversation you have with an athlete that just pushes the right buttons — that could change their trajectory on their four or five-year career."


"People are starting to understand that it takes education and experience to understand how to program well and be agile in your programming depending on the context of the group you have in front of you."


"There's kind of this chasm between the developmental opportunities that you might experience as an undergraduate, but then actually making that next step into the profession."