Steve Leo is a master trainer for Parisi Speed School and educates young athletes through the VertiMax system and teaches them how this method is a game changer for their body and their target sport.


In this episode, Steve shares his 25+ year knowledge and expertise as a strength coach on the call and offers advice to new coaches who are getting ready to train their athletes for the very first time. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:10] What is the most important thing you should be doing as a coach? 

[2:50] A strength’s coaches job is to adapt to the child’s body, especially if they had a tough training day or game the day prior. 

[4:10] If you’re a young strength coach, you have to lean on your peers for help. 

[5:15] Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. 

[5:50] How can you empower your athlete? 

[8:00] Being open minded and flexible is key to being a good coach. 



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“Most sports involve movement, so if they can’t move well, our goal is to make them a great athlete."


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