Michael Carter-Williams is a professional basketball player, currently with the Orlando Magic tema. Growing up, he came from a family of basketball players and coaches, and 

Eventually went on to play college basketball at Syracuse University, where he was drafted by the Philadelphia 76ers and was named NBA Rookie of the Year in 2014. 


On this episode hosted by Cameron Lynch, four-year NFL vet, Michael shares more about his journey from college basketball to becoming a professional athlete with the NBA, as well as some aspects of his family life, both in terms of basketball and his life off the court. He discusses his involvement with the AAU team MCW Starz, as well as his interest and involvement in the UFC. Michael reveals some insights about working with some basketball MVPs, as well as his hopes for the future, in terms of the NBA, the UFC and furthering his education. Tune in to find out more.


Key Takeaways:

[:36] Cam introduces his guest for this episode - Michael Carter-Williams

[:55] Michael shares more about his AAU team MCW Starz. 

[2:38] What does Michael attribute his success in basketball to?

[3:15] Michael's siblings also play basketball. What was their journey like growing up?

[4:08] How did Michael help mold his sister into the basketball player that she is today?

[5:19] What does Michael envision for his young daughter?

[6:00] What is Michael's advice to other parents who want their children to get into sports?

[7:00] Michael describes his experience playing baseball recently.

[8:23] What was Michael's journey from Syracuse to the NBA?

[11:29] This podcast is being sponsored by VertiMax.

[13:07] What was it like for Michael facing the challenges that came his way?

[13:51] How was Michael's year playing for the 76ers?

[14:46] When did Michael realize that he wanted to pursue a career playing basketball professionally?

[17:49] Michael shares his experience of working with Giannis Antetokounmpo on the Milwaukee Bucks team.

[19:50] There is life outside the court for Michael. He reveals more about the UFC 238 event he recently attended.

[21:34] Michael took a big leap into the UFC world when he went to Ireland and went to Conor McGregor's gym. What was that experience like?

[23:20] Michael has left behind a legacy and given back to his community.

[24:44] Could Michael see himself working for the UFC?

[25:14] What is Michael's process for continuing his university education?

[28:24] What is Michael's message to young athletes?

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Cam Lynch

Michael Carter-Williams

Syracuse University

AAU Team MCW Starz

Giannis Antetokounmpo


Conor McGregor