Jessie Ehren is the VertiMax International Training and Events Coordinator, where she makes sure VertiMax users are set up for success and certified to use the VertiMax equipment.


In this episode, Jessie talks about some of the exciting things happening at this year’s Annual VertiMax Summit, hosted in Tampa, Florida. This is your chance to network and learn from the very best in sport’s performance. Be sure to register and book now for the event on October 7th. 


Key Takeaways:

[1:20] Jessie shares some of her responsibilities overseas at VertiMax.

[2:15] This year VertiMax will be celebrating their 6th annual summit. 

[3:45] VertiMax has three big keynote speakers this year! Jessie gives a sneak preview on what to expect. 

[4:35] Martin Rooney will share how to get the most out of your athletes and your training regiment. 

[6:40] Gunnar Peterson will be talking about how to position yourself as an industry leader to get endless clients. 

[8:25] Loren Landow will be the third keynote speaker, and he will be talking about biomechanics.

[10:05] There will also be workout demonstrations to help your athlete with any body weaknesses. 

[12:45] This is your chance to get in front of a VertiMax master trainer who can help answer (and physically show you!) any specific questions you might have. 

[13:35] After the closing ceremony, there will be a networking and social event for you to attend with an open bar. 

[15:55] On Sunday October 8th, there will be a certification workshop for those who are staying the weekend in Tampa. 



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“We bring our master trainer team from all over the US and of course we get to network and see everybody that’s our customers and people in the sports and fitness space."


"Part 1 of our workout demonstration will be assessing movements and part 2 will be how we create that program to make a better athlete."