Jessie Ehren is the VertiMax International Training Coordinator, where she makes sure VertiMax students are set up for success and certified to use the VertiMax equipment.


In this episode, Al and Jessie talk about what new students need to know about the VertiMax certification program and how they can get started today. Do you need to physically participate in the training program? Not always necessary! Al and Jessie dive in for more details. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:55] A little bit about Jessie and what she does at VertiMax.

[2:00] What does it mean to be a certified VertiMax instructor?

[3:50] Do you receive any credits for attending this course? The answer is yes!

[4:25] What are some of the topics that are covered in the class?

[6:15] Want to get certified? Link in the bio! 

[7:35] What do you get once you become certified? 

[9:55] Roughly 1,300 people now have been certified! 



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VertiMax Certification Education


“The first third of the training day is showing you how to use this equipment safely and the technology behind why VertiMax is being used."


"Along with some of the certification benefits, you’re also apart of private Facebook groups and community groups that help provide additional information."